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The Africa Focus for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development initiative (AFEEDi) is dedicated to the sustainability and development of peace and prosperity in Africa.

Our Mission

“To promote quality educational access, entrepreneurship, development, and the fundamental institutions of a free society through research, education, empowerment and advocacy in solving economic problems.”

man, writing, laptop



In A-FEEDi, we are motivated by our beliefs that:

  1. Entrepreneurship and a better society is stifled in societies that do not prioritize justice, limited government, property right, respect for human right, freedom of research, freedom of speech and equal participation in market.
  2. The major secret of advancement is the ability to allow talent display, research, invention and trade. Individual participation has the means to stimulate the creativity and innovation necessary to create a better economy. When participation is guaranteed, individuals do not only maximize their potential but also provide economic services and create value to economic agents.
  3. Government should primarily focus on the provision of security and protection of property. The citizens need to be enlightened that it is the function of the government to preserve public order and decency, to protect the citizens from what is offensive or injurious, and to provide sufficient safeguards against the exploitation and the corruption of others. However, it is not the function of the government to intervene in the private lives of citizens or to seek to enforce any particular pattern of behavior or laid down rules.

Our beliefs

4.  Entrepreneurship and development is more of a local phenomenon and using a down-top approach is instrumental to its achievement. Poverty in Africa is predominantly rural and emphasis should be on remote and grassroots development.

5. Solving the problem of poverty is not restricted to financing but needs a holistic approach: Education, microcredit, mutual aid, SME-credit, micro-insurance, technology, market, ease trade, and follow-up.

6. Good charity-based aid can help alleviate immediate suffering but it is not the tool for long term sustainability and wealth creation. The best nature of empowerment is to provide short term support and create an enabling environment that will help people to implement their own agenda and God given talent.

7.  The increment in unemployment affecting Africa every year is as a result of the government’s inability to design best policies for the creation of more jobs, and to provide a platform for the encouragement of both individuals and private sectors to expand opportunities without any barrier.